Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My Learning 2.0 Experience

Learning 2.0 has certainly been an education. I would never have known there was so many different applications/websites out there. I’m the one that surfs and surfs and never finds anything of interest on the web, while others talk about spending hours on there.

My favorite fun exercises were My Space, Online Image Generator and Flickr because they just entertaining, no real learning involved. Library Thing was another fun site because it was a great way to find books out there that you may not have given a chance. Rollyo really didn’t interest me because you could probably find the same information on google or yahoo. I had a hard time with the information on Wiki since it may not be reliable but as a general source of information, it works.

Library Mulch’s blog is really great. I enjoyed the graphics, pictures and just the look about it. Comparing his blog to mine is like comparing night and day.

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